Can Too / 2008-2012

Can Too was founded in 2005 as part of Cure Cancer Australia. It is a program where professional coaches train everyday people to run or swim an endurance event. While increasing their own fitness, participants raise funds to support breakthrough cancer research.

The Girgensohn Foundation supported the establishment of Can Too Inner West (Athletic Field Olympic Park). in 2008, the first year of the partnership, Can Too West’s 35 participants raised over seven times the Foundation’s initial contribution, funding one researcher in 2009. By 2012, the last year of the Foundation’s five year support period, Can Too West had trained about 300 runners and raised four times the invested amount.

Between 2005 and 2012 the Can Too program expanded to Melbourne and Brisbane, training more than 7500 participants. Over $10 million have been raised, funding 72 researchers.

In recognition of this success, Annie Crawford, founder and CEO of Can Too, was awarded an Order of Australia (AM) in 2013.

Can Too continues to expand in its range of programs, locations, and number of participants. As a result, an increasing number of  young scientists are receiving cancer research grants every year.